Endless Paradigm

Full Version: The PSP2 is going to be released
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Meh, I'll be happy with my gamma-ray discs...

And I'd prefer a 1PB memstick over a 500TB HDD anyday.
yeah but memory sticks only have 2tb/ms these days, nothing compared to holodiscs.
'how do you jump'
'press cross-22, duh, its so intuitive'

Sony have changed the model a little, they hoping this will be the final model

Screen Shot
[Image: newpsp2ke4.png]

Changes included are:
now has sound.
2 triangle buttons are missing due to a shortage at the button factory.
The Chain saws, Missile launchers, machine guns, etc... are removed due to that they are needed for the PS360 (which they might rename to PSwii60)
Whow yeahh, now its a ghetto blaster :P i can totally see myself walking down the street with this on my shoulder 8)
sweet  a boombox

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The specs of the PSP2 are now reveled to public, check it out
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Sparker Wrote:*UPDATE*
The specs of the PSP2 are now reveled to public, check it out

I'm gonna have Goatse as my PSP2 background.
I will gift one PSP2 to u Sparky ;)
I think Goatse is a typo of Goatsex D:
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