There's a lot of new areas I can explore thanks to Surf, so let's see if I can find anything good here...
Meh. These things show up everywhere.
This is what happens when you're trying to watch TV and Nuzlocke. You make a stupid mistake and accidentally hit "Run". But like I said, they're everywhere.
However, an idea dawned on me right after this. Since this is Leaf Green, there's a version exclusive Pokemon that would be an excellent addition to the team....
...and I think I can find it here....
And there it is!
And now it's mine!!
Kasumi the Staryu was caught!
AND it's got Natural Cure!! It must join the team!
Now, I know what you're thinking: "But you've already got Sydney the Poliwrath! You don't need another Water-type!"
Well, you're right, I don't need another Water-type. So Sydney got boxed. (If only I had thought about catching Staryu earlier, I could have saved that Psychic TM....but everything happens for a reason, right??)
Now that Sydney's boxed, I'll need a new Surfer.
Staryu's only useful level-up move is Recover, and it already has that. So I evolved it.
I also had a LOT of money built up, so I bought a LOT of Game Corner coins to teach Kasumi Ice Beam (While I'm not thrilled with the idea of funding Team Rocket, I know that I'll be able to use this against them should they dare show their faces around me)
Meh, why not? Of course she went right back to the box.
Turns out I have data for over 40 species in Oak's useless Pokedex, so one of his 'assistants' gave me an Amulet Coin. I really can't argue with something that makes me more money!
And after some more battling, I had enough to purchase a Thunderbolt TM from the Game Corner. GLaDOS already has Spark, which will do for now, so Kasumi gets this one (don't worry, I plan on getting another one for GLaDOS eventually...)
After stopping by my house for a bit, I decided to check out this odd patch of grass right outside Pallet Town...
Honestly, I would have been shocked if anything else showed up here. And it was captured.
Oliver the Tangela was caught!
I heard there's a Gym here, but someone locked the door. Oh well, I'm just here to catch stuff right now....
Wow, this place is trashed...wonder what happened here??
Meh, I'll worry about what happened here later, right now I've got other business to attend to.
Business that includes catching new stuff.
Arianna the Grimer was caught!
I heard a rumor that the Museum in Pewter had a special fossil....
...and apparently it belongs to me now!
You talk funny.
Well, I can only revive one, and since the one in the Old Amber would be more useful...
...I think I'll choose the Aerodactyl from the Old Amber.
You ARE weird.
What, you mean I don't get to watch???
A few minutes later....
....and now I have my own living fossil!
Gabriel the Aerodactyl joined the team!
And thus Logan the Fearow was boxed.
And since Logan's boxed, Gabriel gets to Fly me around now.
However, Gabriel's only Lv.5, so training him won't be easy without the Exp.Share. And though I know where to get it, Oak's aide won't let me have it until I have data on 50 species. Perhaps I underestimated the old man.....
Anyways, it appears I only need 6 more species to get 50, so time for some quick evolutions....
That should be enough!
However, I do have a bit of bad news to report...
During this time of mass evolution, Xavier the Abra was caught by Pursuit during a bait-and-switch and perished.
My reaction....."Meh"
R.I.P. Xavier the Abra Lv.10-14
Yes, I have. Now hand it over!
I already knew that, moron. Why did Oak hire you anyways??
Anyways, Gabriel's gonna need a lot of training, so this chapter ends here.