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Full Version: [FAKE] PSP CFW 6.39 Team-Nom HEN
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Bou-kun Wrote: [ -> ]I've tried it. It's just Total Noobs 6.39 TN-A, all they did was change the icon0.png on it

That's why they're getting flamed on other forums.

Just look at their FB and see the things they're claiming to have done, like teaming up with victorious Flame(lol) AKA Liquidzigong / Hrimfaxi and Total_noob.

I know too many copys, just look at all the PRO clones.

OMightyBuggy Wrote: [ -> ]
Bou-kun Wrote: [ -> ]I've tried it. It's just Total Noobs 6.39 TN-A, all they did was change the icon0.png on it

That's why they're getting flamed on other forums.

Just look at their FB and see the things they're claiming to have done, like teaming up with victorious Flame(lol) AKA Liquidzigong / Hrimfaxi and Total_noob.

I know too many copys, just look at all the PRO clones.


lol bro those are clones of the repository
I'll try this later.
Bou-kun Wrote: [ -> ]I've tried it. It's just Total Noobs 6.39 TN-A, all they did was change the icon0.png on it

That's why they're getting flamed on other forums.

Just look at their FB and see the things they're claiming to have done, like teaming up with victorious Flame(lol) AKA Liquidzigong / Hrimfaxi and Total_noob.

St0rMaGe Wrote: [ -> ]I'll try this later.

Maybe you missed this post bro, but I wouldn't bother..  
I figured this was either a complete rip off of TN or a cheesy take on a PRO (open src) mod.
Looks like it is the former...

I always love to see new devs getting involved with PSP, but this is not what wee have before us.
This is nothing more than a fake lamer.  :/
Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]
St0rMaGe Wrote: [ -> ]I'll try this later.

Maybe you missed this post bro, but I wouldn't bother..  
I figured this was either a complete rip off of TN or a cheesy take on a PRO (open src) mod.
Looks like it is the former...

I always love to see new devs getting involved with PSP, but this is not what wee have before us.
This is nothing more than a fake lamer.  :/
So this is just a st0len/fake Cfw??
yes its tn-a
Fake! Close this and delete download.
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