Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [FAKE] PSP CFW 6.39 Team-Nom HEN
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all this does on my 1000 is crash it
shakan09 Wrote: [ -> ]all this does on my 1000 is crash it

Don't keep running it. It may cause something even worst.
If someone can tell me how to properly port my Flurrime Mercuria Theme from 5.50 to 6.39 I would be willing to try this on my 2000 Slim, if anything goes wrong I have Pandora anyway^^
SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]If someone can tell me how to properly port my Flurrime Mercuria Theme from 5.50 to 6.39 I would be willing to try this on my 2000 Slim, if anything goes wrong I have Pandora anyway^^

I can convert the theme for you. Thanks to patpat.
TheDarknessArrives Wrote: [ -> ]
SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]If someone can tell me how to properly port my Flurrime Mercuria Theme from 5.50 to 6.39 I would be willing to try this on my 2000 Slim, if anything goes wrong I have Pandora anyway^^

I can convert the theme for you. Thanks to patpat.

You would really do that? That's awesome, thank you!^^ Yay

Here's my release thread of the theme: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=24597
This is as useful as a bag dog spoon
UrbanHybrid Wrote: [ -> ]This is as useful as a bag dog spoon

Well it depends, I still have a pandorable 2000 Slim and I was never a fan of these HENs or temporary CFWs or whatever the trend is these days with the 3000 and the GOs. I'm not saying the new things are bad or inferior, I just prefer my PSP running a FW that is 100% non dependent on anything else, personal preference I guess^^
There's a little something called "CTFtool GUI" that can convert themes between versions. It will look and feel the same except for the comic reader and SensMe icons, of course. And depending how wide the version gap maybe more, like Skype, etc.
I feel bad for this new Devs Team. I have seen some other PSP Forum, and they are getting owned really bad. People say bad things cause of this CFW they have release.
I've tried it. It's just Total Noobs 6.39 TN-A, all they did was change the icon0.png on it

That's why they're getting flamed on other forums.

Just look at their FB and see the things they're claiming to have done, like teaming up with victorious Flame(lol) AKA Liquidzigong / Hrimfaxi and Total_noob.
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