I don't think it's true :/
Reliable source, anyone?
No reliable source, but it's not like it can't happen:)
I ♥ GUCCI Wrote: [ -> ]No reliable source, but it's not like it can't happen:)

I ♥ GUCCI Wrote: [ -> ]Just hope for the best:)

Support for original XBOX games I can see but adding support for 360 games would cause them to lose money.
I can always ask my boyfriend since he works for 343 Studios and might know something about it.
For people unaware, it really doesn't matter too much if they don't sell Xbox360s any more. Typically consoles (at least in MS/Sony's case) are sold at a loss. They make the money back from games and licensing.
The problem here, of course, is that if people decide to go PC instead of Xbox360, then there's less appeal to develop for the 360 and pay the licensing fees. Though I suppose there's a workaround to that (concept similar to Apple's AppStore).
If this is/was true, I'm guessing that it'll come with some kind of 'emulator'? Also, the whole piracy thing, not to mention the fact that MS will have to put in the legwork to get the peripherals and devices for the 360 and PC to work together. Doubt that this is real, though.