Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Windows 8 To Support Xbox 360 Games
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I'm not dissapointed, I love this idea:)
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]well...
while everyone else seems disappointed

Need to improve your reading comprehension man.  Not a single person here said they were disappointed.  If it actually happened it would be great.

I'm just saying it's hard to believe.  I mean they're going to spend lots of effort (read: money) writing up an emulator that's actually decently fast (probably not easy), to compete with their existing hardware?  To make matters worse, it's easy to pirate a software emulator, while a physical X360 can only be obtained by paying the price, so it's going to draw people away from buying X360's to pirating the emulator (making them loose money on X360 sales).  It sounds dumb (for MS, for us consumers, it sounds fucking great).
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]yay now i can have an xbox without the shame of having an xbox :3

Shame of having an Xbox?  You some kind of super hardcore Sony fanboy or something?

Not that I have an Xbox or am planning to get one in the foreseeable future either, but I definitely don't see how it's shameful to have an Xbox.

It's not the console itself, it's the community.
Xbox Live has a reputation of having the whiniest, chocolatetiest online community. Ever. 13-year-old americans with microphones all over R16 games, asswipes that send you hate-mail when they lose (usually), or even cheat you of a win by disconnecting... and you pay to experience all this.
Not to say other online communities don't experience this, but I'm pretty sure it's not as bad as xbox live. Certainly, I've seen less screenshots of PSN hate-mail and heard less stories about it. And you don't pay for it.
I ♥ GUCCI Wrote: [ -> ]
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Well, yeah. Why buy an xbox when you can play xbox games on a more practical console.

Uh, console isn't exactly the word I use to describe PCs but whatever.
Probably in effort to make it so PC and 360 gamers can play together, meaning Microsoft can buttrape it as a marketing point to sell more high-end PCs AND XBoxes, depending on what flavour ya like.
this doesn't actually excite me, the reason i like the xbox 360 is the controller and the online, 360 contoller pairing to the pc has never been good for me
This is great news and actually makes alot of sense! Correct me if I'm wrong but the 360 itself runs on the DirectX9 backend anyway and a variant of the NT kernel. So there is little from preventing 360 games running on PCs. Marketing wise this also makes alot of sense, they push the 360 games onto a market they already have a large part of, now to anyone saying:

"But what's the point, nobody will buy 360 anymore"

Well I'm sure they will still be some people who will buy them just because they most likely don't have a powerful PC in their living room. XBOX Live can easily adopted with a PC client, they can still milk for gold access and online play, crossplatform would be a good boost for the community and lastly, by the time Windows 8 is released for the general public it's speculated that the 360 will only have 2 years left at best.

So when the next XBOX is released Microsoft can still milk the heck out of 360 games and I finally can enjoy games like Ace Combat and DoA on my PC without the hassle of reconnecting my 360 instead of my PS3 Hihi

Good one Microsoft is this is true!
lol,. Hihi
trying to compete with Steam I guess? o3o'

first thing I thought when I read this was pirates
Yeah, there's gonna be a lot of piracy after this:)
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