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So no thread here about it, so I thought I'd start one.

If you've been following any tech related news recently, you probably have heard of Google's new attempt at social networking, dubbed Google+.  Even if you haven't followed the news specifically, you may have noticed the redesign of Google, related to this new move.

What are your opinions of it?

I've never been into social networking myself, so can't really provide many comments.  Apparently it diverges a bit from their previous attempt at Google Buzz, some calling it a new version of Google Wave (both of which died).
I can see benefits to both users and Google's personal information collection service to integrate your email and social networking, perhaps with Youtube and web search together.  Primary question is whether it can take on Facebook.
I don't know much about it apart from that you have to get invited to join. So I can't say much, but wouldn't hurt to try out.
I like the new look however... the highlighted selection in the top bar that is ORANGE does not match the options in the left option bar that are RED.
maybe or maybe not it can over take facebook in terms of social networking, in our country friendster is taken over by facebook, and while facebook is still fresh i said what a friendster ripoff, but eventually all my friends got to facebook

maybe because its new ill gonna try it out but sometimes im lazy to update my profiles
It's an intuitive interface, i like the idea and it seems more together than facebook. The way you use it seems to be more like a hybrid of both Twitter AND Facebook, so it may be gunning for both.
It's great.

I would can Facebook for it if it weren't for the fact not many people use it yet.
A new social networking site would be awesome:)
you say everything is amazing :)
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know much about it apart from that you have to get invited to join. So I can't say much, but wouldn't hurt to try out.

here's the link to get an invitation


and here,'s the one that keep news and stuff like that

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