Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Google+ discussion
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I got an invite shortly after my last post. Adding some of you now.

Also you can shorten the link to your page by using THIS
Sweet, nice find :3

Edit: Moved the link to ma original poast
diego Wrote: [ -> ]I got an invite shortly after my last post. Adding some of you now.

Also you can shorten the link to your page by using THIS

nice one diego Madwin
i have one but its lonely. its beta right?
Apparently Facebook is worried about the success of Google+ and trying to block migrations:

Apparently Google is requiring "real names" as well, although some say a "common name" is enough (policy link).
Then again, some people are fine with it.
[Image: lolfacebook.png]
Considering the Buzz counts, I wonder if it's just Google fanbois.
well i send my info to google for beta testers
Oh and if anyone wants to remove their profile from Frapebook then follow this~ Facebook Perm Deletion NUKE

note: It will take 2 weeks for the Facebook Perm Deletion NUKE to take it's toll, but after that, everything is scrubbed (supposedly) and the email address the account was tied up to is released
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