Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [New EP Theme] Aoi Sora
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Good Morning Endless Paradigm!

Just to let you know - a new theme is now available on EP called "Aoi Sora"!

[Image: aoisorapre.png]

Created by me and SkyDX over the course of a few months - just working on it in our spare time - and it took far too long but wee're glad it's done now! ^^

For those (very few) of you who might be reading my tweets, the version live on EP is far, far superior (actually usable outside of thread view) compared to the Private Preview wee did not so long ago - there have been loads of improvements and tweaks since then and even more fixes and tweaks thanks to Zinga while testing on EP (some of you might have noticed it ;D).

This is intended to be used with the "Classic View" thread view, but it's supposed to be not half bad in the other "Modern" mode otherwise.

Wee've aimed to make something clean and pleasant to work with while still staying functional.

Wee hope you enjoy using it! If you have any suggestions or feedback you want to let us know - let us know here.

This theme has been tested with: Firefox 3.6/4.0, Opera 11 and should be okay with Webkit browsers (Chrome, Safari) - let us know if it doesn't!

Known Issues

- Board Change layout incorrect (not that it matters as the board logo doesn't change anyway!)

- The footer gap
Not much can be done about this - but in some cases it disappears if you use Ad Block Plus.
Nice it's finally online!^^

Aaand since a Google-like "Change Background" system was far too complicated here is a little script to change the background of the theme. I use it in Firefox with the Stylish extension but technically it should work with all browsers that support a form of CSS override:

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document domain("endlessparadigm.com")
body {
  background: url("YOUR BACKGROUND GOES HERE") !important; background-attachment: fixed !important; background-position: center center !important; background-size: 100% !important

Just replace the YOUR BACKGROUND GOES HERE with the path to your custom image, you can also use a image from your local harddrive, to get the correct path, simply drag and drop a image into your browser it will show you the correct path then. Also you MUST keep the quotation marks^^

Wow! it looks good^^
Awesome, using it now, certainly a nice theme, great work both of you :3
It looks tops. Thanks guys
Wait, why does it have a picture of Makoto on the top instead of, well, her sister Sora?
It looks really good. Using it now ^^
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]Wait, why does it have a picture of Makoto on the top instead of, well, her sister Sora?

Sky did it!

* S7* hides
good job...both of you
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]Wait, why does it have a picture of Makoto on the top instead of, well, her sister Sora?

I don't even knew she had a sister called Sora or who she is in the first place^^; What a funny coincidence, I just started designing and yeah, it came out like this Hihi

Here is the original design shot:

[Image: asc.png]

Sensei did one hell of an awesome job, thanks to him again and also to everyone for the compliments, I'm glad you're liking and using it, wee just wanted to create something new and I think wee succeeded!^^

Funny thing is, it kinda all started with me saying: "I can't do mockups..." xD
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