Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [New EP Theme] Aoi Sora
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It looks nice ^^

Spoiler for for technical poo poo :\/:
I find the weird thing though is if a post is to long you have to click it and move it with the arrows because there's no scrolly thing at the bottom of the page.  I was gonna suggest a simple fix but unfortunately the header div and the footer div are both located in the content div, and they don't like to stretch out of it, anyways, delete the overflow: auto; from content and that'll bring back the bottom bar. but when you scroll it will cause the header and the footer to move, and they won't stretch accordingly.

As for the footer... you just got to get rid of the 200px padding or whatever that was implemented in the div itself, but if you were to do that it'd effect every theme, so if you give that div a class then you'll be able to change it only withing this theme...

tl:dr; you got to fix some of the html in order to fix the theme.

each theme for phpbb has separate html, not sure about mybb though

ALSO regarding the number pages thing over on the left, if you want it to apear ontop of everything (cause when I scroll down to the footer it gets covered) add something like z-layer: 200; I think.
I assume you're talking about horizontal overflow. In most cases there should be no issues with it as-is anyway as extra-large images - which wouldn't fit entirely on ones screen anyway because of the post area its contained in - are shrunk by EP. In any theme I've just right clicked > view image to see it in full. Thanks for the suggestion though, I'll see if I can do something about it.

The footer cannot be changed - this is part of EP and all themes - there are supposed to be ads there - hence my ABP suggestion in the main thread post.
Looks great :D
quite like what you've done with the mod toolbar, never had to use it with this theme before now, and was suitably impressed
Good Evening People of the Void!

I bring good news - bugfixes for Aoi Sora!

- Finally fixed image overflow issues, some other "double you tee eff scroll" issues should also be fixed
- Fixed "Full Editor" linking button in quick reply box
- Fixed WebKit-based browser gradients
- Fixed Broken Templates for User CPs "Edit Appareance", the Picture Gallery and Who's Online

I knew the overflow issues bothered and it was on my to-do list, only took me 5 months to get around to it! ;D

Enjoy, and let me know if there are any other issues.
Wow! the theme looks nice. I'm going to use it.
Surprise! I've spent time today updating Aoi Sora to be portrait orientation friendly! Specifically, to cater for anyone browsing with a tablet in portrait orientation (though it should work better on phones I doubt it'll render perfectly).

On smaller, vertical displays Aoi Sora displayed pretty horribly before, with overlapping text, overflowing header sections and an undesirable default viewport.

With a primary focus on forum and thread viewing, this has all been fixed up. Minor tweaks have also been made to the core style, but I doubt you'll notice them ;)

Full Editor mode still overflows thanks to the text editor but I'm not concerned with fixing that.

If there's anything else wrong with the theme, or if there are improvements you'd like to suggest, please let me know!

The theme may appear broken to those who use it already, just do a hard refresh and it'll load the new CSS!
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