Endless Paradigm

Full Version: (video) Nintendo Wii U E3 Trailer
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Whos gonna get this ? NOT ME!

Im in love with PSvita xD
If I get it, probably only for the new Smash Bros lol
: | I would get it cause I never get the damn tv.

Bought PS3, then realized, can't play games cause parent's always not watching re-runs on tv. : |
Say if I wanted to play a fighting game with my sister, wouldn't I have to buy another one of those controllers?  They look as if they would be expensive...

Other than that it looks interesting, but I probably won't buy one :/
What's Nintendo trying to do, fudge both NGP and the probably coming PS4. I'm kinda thinking this is better than the NGP .
bloodangel619 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm kinda thinking this is better than the NGP .

The problem with your statement is that they were not made for the same purpose.
i never had really much interest in the wii, i have even less interest in this, that's about all i have to say lol
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
bloodangel619 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm kinda thinking this is better than the NGP .

The problem with your statement is that they were not made for the same purpose.

It's right but the Wii U seems to achieve the same purpose the NGP has, though I have to admit I didn't notice the Wii U console Knock-knock this is just the controllerSpecky though even the console seems pretty small if there would have been a portable power source for it I must admit it would rule over NGP. Smokingg
[Off the post ; Doesn't anybody think the PSVita looks like those fake cheap Chinese PSP's Knock-knock ]
bloodangel619 Wrote: [ -> ]if there would have been a portable power source for it I must admit it would rule over NGP. Smokingg

I'd like to see you carry one around with you.

bloodangel619 Wrote: [ -> ][Off the post ; Doesn't anybody think the PSVita looks like those fake cheap Chinese PSP's Knock-knock ]

No. :/
They cheated from Sony that "switch from tv to controller" like switching from ps3 to PS vita
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