Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Graphic Beginners?
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i didn't realized it till now but wee got quiet a few new people, and looks like alot of you are interested in graphic too.

would you guys want to start learn to do it better? :P
Heck yeah!
When you said Grafics. Do you mean like Graphics stuff?
^ He means liek photoshop N Stuff
Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]^ He means liek photoshop N Stuff

Yeah I know, you create Graphics with Photoshop. Anywas, In that case, Yes, wee want.
say, i don't think I'm qualified to write tutorials or anything yet, but if you guys want to learn then you can always bother us in this forum.
i'd say for a starter, you should mess around with a few things:
-Selection Tools. < tool bar on the left side, there are quiet a few of em to mess around with.
-Layer Style (on the layer bar on the left side, right click on a layer and hmmm start with Blend Setting, Glows and stuffs.
-Layers. > this is what i still do. i create a separate layer for everything. for example your sig, Dark. Tobi, Grass, Background, the paints on the left side, a few brushes on the right and middle. All of em should be on separate layers. so you can arrange, fix, improve each of em easier. if the Brushes doesn't clash with each other, and staying at a safe distance like some of yours, Rawrsor, then sure, go ahead and leave em on a single layer.
-Depends on what you like, and i think you know some of these stuffs already. Deviant art is a really good place to get new, better brushes for your sigs. http://browse.deviantart.com/resources/a...s/?order=9
-Last but not least, when you resize things. Hold down ALT+SHIFT to make sure you don't distort the thing itself.

:P if there are any more questions, feel free to pop em.

that should be enough to make some really nice pieces.
[Image: Untitled-1-5.png]
this was my first piece, ever. all i needed was a Hexagon Brush and Magic Wand. :D
ok,, i think i need to learn how to make effect like in your revive sig
would be good if i can apply it on my themes ;O
It was just alot of Mixture of brushes.
i used
then Ctrl+B and mess up the colors even more,
finally, i duplicated the layer, for the top one, Filter > Render > Lighting effects. then set it.
some part of the picture will be too white to see anything, that's where i used Eraser, erase that part of the top layer, so you can see the details on the bottom.
Thanks 4 the tips Heartless! Just grabbed a mess load of brushes, and I'm about to start!
Great tips ~_~
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