Endless Paradigm

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i could always offer some tips on hw i do things if anybody wants em

link to my photobucket : http://s257.photobucket.com/albums/hh239/ccandrew_111/
the only ones worth asking about are my newer sigs..
My Girlfriend And I Use Gimp and an Online thing called Pixlr.com
I know some of the basics of PhotoShop, but am definitely interested in learning more  :D
I'd like to learn more to
For those interested... The World Ends With You Sig Tutorial by Lunar (ChaoticGamer)

[Image: Sakuraba_Neku_Tutorial_by_Chaoticgamer.png]

I might do a simple tutorial if I find the time...
lol, only tut I ever used ^
Makes what i use to create signatures seem very limited ^^"
the main pointers i can give are (based on techniques i use most)

-download as many brush packs as you can. it's always handy to have a few good brushes to give some variety to your sig.

- always have some good c4d renders at hand to give your backgrounds a nice abstract touch

- always use clean renders. and use some that have features that can be accented. i usually base the majority of the sig around the render.

- pick colours that work with each other. here's a colour wheel to help

[Image: shade-tint-wheel.jpg]
- don't be afraid to experiment with effects, smudging and blending options. if something goes wrong it's easy enough to undo or delete the layer.

- picking the right font is crucial to any sig. also positioning of the text is important.

- by using white and black with a soft brush you can create good lighting effects to add an element of depth to you render

- use clipping to your advantage. to do this simply select a layer, place it above the layer you want to clip it to and alt-click on that layer. when a layer is clipped to another only parts with the second layer underneath will be visible.

- don't just leave the focal point of your sig on top. make sure to use things like clouds and brushes to blend it with the rest of the sig.

- don't bother trying to get the exact balance of colours right from the beginning. just wait until everything is as you like it and use gradient maps which i have highlighted the icon for here

[Image: example.jpg]
just click that icon and select gradient map. this tool won't make awful colour combinations look good but it can be used to add depth to your chosen colour scheme.

-make sure your sig is a good size. too big and you'll have too much space to fill. too small and you won't be able to fit much in.

hope all those points can give you a general idea of what to do in a sig

here's a sig tutorial i found really helpful and where a lot of points i mention here a described in more detail

[Image: Fullsigtut_techniques.png]
Nice tuts, I'll try those when I've got time. Ta for sharing
TIP: Don't fucking abuse the saturation and contrast in anything. Too much color or contrast is BAD.
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