Endless Paradigm

Full Version: How to withdraw
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I would like to withdraw my "244,851.8681" e-peen pigs I currently have sitting in the bank, but everytime I try it just tells me "item is out of stock"

on the brightside at least I am locked in second to last on the statistics board...
The Bank and MyPlaza are broken.
Yep, it's been broken for like almost a year or longer.
Crap, I'm broke......
13,367.1855 EP
all i have @_@
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]e-peen pigs

I just want people to see my enormously large e-peen I mean amount of e-pigs
Wee can still see it here http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/plaza.php?action=stats if anyone actually looked at it.
i have x e-pigs

(i.e. i cba to find out)
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