Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Do you feel we miss out on that "live" aspect of watching anime
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I always figure that in Japan anime that airs is set to air at a specific time for all of japan. At that time whoever is interested will stop what they are doing and watch a specific show. This means you can watch the show with friends. You can watch the show and chat about it online with people live as it's happening. You can call people immediately after and talk about what happened in the show. Or you can go to school/work the next day and discuss the show with your friends and such. It always kind of saddens me to think wee miss out this being non native japanese speakers or not having anime air on "western" tv. Everyone has to wait for their respective sub groups or specific release to come out and then wee can discuss what wee've seen/liked about anime over time.

I think wee miss out on that whole "it's happening right now" aspect of anime and it saddens me :/

so I guess, would you agree that wee miss out? Do you have any comments? Or do you think somehow wee actually gain more from this type of system as opposed to the watch it live system?
very few people i know in real life care about anime at all

especially at uni

i watch it because I like it, being able to talk about it is cool, i do that with either my girlfriend or some of you guys.

Even if anime was "aired" here, i would talk about it with the same people lol
Assuming its a new series, wee wait for it to get subbed, watching Torrents / usenet / IRC / the website wee use for it to show up, and then wee download it and watch it

If wee have friends watching the same series, as is implied here, i can phone / text them to say its been released so they can get it / come here and watch it, and afterwards, assuming again they watch it, i can discuss the episode with them

So, short answer, no
You can still talk about it the same way if you wish.  Instead of after it airs, just after it gets subbed.

Anyway, I honestly don't care about anything like that.  I never talk to anyone besides for my sister and people here about anime, and 90% of stuff I watch in a short concentrated period as opposed to keeping up with new episodes on a weekly basis.
I have no one to discuss Anime with in real life, so... my answer is no.

The only Anime anyone knows about around here are DBZ, Naruto, Inu Yasha, Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist, and basically any series that airs on Adult Swim :/
While I'm sure it would be nice to have that aspect in Japan - I don't think it's a big deal, so, no.

Personally, I prefer watching it alone anyway.
I don't mind that I have to download anime and watch it all by myself as it's broadcasting. Though I do remember the days when I used to watch dub anime together with other people.
Vacui_Natale Wrote: [ -> ]I have no one to discuss Anime with in real life, so... my answer is no.

Me too so no...
I know a couple to discuss anime with, but I suppose I never talk about it much either with anyone now that you mention it...

I suppose it doesn't mean that I don't want to lol
if anything I think it would be fun. I remember this guy talking to me about he couldn't wait for the final episode of Madoka Magica to air and how he and his friends were all talking about it.

in the end I guess I see people talking about reality TV shows such as survivor or lost(when it was airing) or big brother and I wish I could talk to people about things I watch like that lol...

it would be fun to speculate what is going to happen in different anime and see who will be right or wrong about it

that's what I think anyway
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