Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Do you feel we miss out on that "live" aspect of watching anime
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Pages: 1 2
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]it would be fun to speculate what is going to happen in different anime and see who will be right or wrong about it

that's what I think anyway

Well, you can do that on the internet.
I suppose I could... but I'm one of those people that hates waiting and always downloads the complete batch of a season...


I think I may have found my problem
I don't have anyone to talk about anime with really. well currently airing anime that is. The ones I know IRL only watch shounen and/or ecchi stuff.

And a close friend of mine has just started getting into it after I showed him GTO and Code Geass. But for the meantime I just talk about currently airing stuff on the internet
Never really spoke with anyone about it.  I generally don't find too much to discuss myself really.
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