Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Still at EP standing contest.
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*xBu sits in the corner...
OMG im still here :D
hmm...how's the view from there ~_~

* eKusoshisut0 eats a cookie
I'm still here...
though not as much as I use to be...
Lots of people I use to talk to/hang out with left really

now I spend most of my time bothering the unfortunate fools on this vent server
or I'll bother the people in IRC
Its good.....
*xBu eats a Eku...
* Vacui Natale has never been to the IRC
ExBu Wrote: [ -> ]Its good.....
*xBu eats a Eku...


Vacui_Natale Wrote: [ -> ]* Vacui_Natale has never been to the IRC

Is it because Slushba is there?

Damn it Slushba!! Burning
dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]OMG im still here :D

You haven't been here for a long though :/
HawkeYe Wrote: [ -> ]
Vacui_Natale Wrote: [ -> ]* Vacui_Natale has never been to the IRC

Is it because Slushba is there?

Damn it Slushba!! Burning

Hihi No.  I wouldn't know what to say.  I would probably just lurk, like I lurk the Shoutbox.
holy spoon I'm still here even though it's dinner time!
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