Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Still at EP standing contest.
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Like Tony, I've felt less at home here, due to the mass posting of PSP spoon I don't care about, but I'll always be lurking at some point or another...
bread Wrote: [ -> ]Like Tony, I've felt less at home here, due to the mass posting of PSP spoon I don't care about,

Off-Topic For the win.
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Off-Topic For the win.

That's what I loved about EP; that there was no 'topic' or anything. It was all just random fun.
*reset time counter*
I'm in. I should last longer with this then the no fap contest.
Only time ill leave is when I'm dead. ~_~
Still here, just nothing of interest anymore :/
I'm always here... though i may not post as much anymore
i reckon a massive revival in Graphics would help, a lot of people arent here for the PSP modification and wee get so many threads on it...
every single tiny release is recorded here ^^"

just realised my post count has gone down by about 50 or 60 D:
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]just realised my post count has gone down by about 50 or 60 D:

Yeah.  Just as I reached 4000 posts my number went down by at least 900
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