Endless Paradigm

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Well EP, ive been toying with this idea for a couple months now, and i think its finally time. as of tonight i have officially removed #endless-paradigm from my auto starts and have unsubscribed from the skype chat. its a bittersweet parting for sure,  but i just don't feel at home here anymore. i look at the recent posts, and everything that gets posted lately just seems much more mundane than normal. maybe its just part of me growing up, maybe its the site, but whatever the reason, EP doesn't have its draw for me lately. before, id come on and see all kinds of new posts from folks i felt as close as family to. wee would be discussing interesting topics that drew my attention. discussion on politics, technology, art, music, design, events, internet stuff, etc. wee talked about stuff openly and honestly with our internet family.

over the last 4 months or so, however, the site has undergone a change. i don't know if its been felt by everyone, but EP has lost its close-knit ness. i come on now and all i see are posts by people i don't recognize about junk, spambots, and trolls. i don't know what has caused it, but i simply don't have the patience for coming around much anymore.

i would like to take a brief moment to give personal goodbyes to a few EP-ers who i was close with, or were otherwise notable.

in no particular order: (you are listed by the name you had when i first met you, not the name you currently have, due to my inability to keep track of many of your frequent name changes)

Spoiler for grey_ghost::
remember the first time wee met in the shoutbox and i wrote your english paper for you, and your teacher said it was one of the best papers shed ever read? i still laugh about that sometimes. ive had fun being your american buddy, and i certainly enjoyed bullchocolate-ing with you, (even when you kept me up for days on end with neverending skype calls :D) also, i got this moved, but wee never got post count for it. for the record, the eagle still wins. goodbye buddy.

Spoiler for xitherun::
over my time here, you became someone i would consider to be one of my closest personal friends. its funny, originally i hated you because you had that megaman "derp" avatar and it pissed me off every time i saw it. wee've shared so many good times its hard to even pick the highlights. wee raced each other to the 500 post mark, wee had that epic palindrome argument in the "post in this thread to increase your postcount" thread, you even came and visited me and spent the night for gods sake (for the record, that happens to be one of my all time favorite memories). i never really understood why you left without a trace and ignored the fact that i existed, but for the record, it was your departure that sealed my decision to leave EP. it hurts to lose a friend, but it hurts even more to lose your best friend. im sorry if it was something that i did that made you decide to leave, but on the plus side, you can now have the irc all to yourself. Keep on working on your music, ive been a huge fan since you started ( i have a complete collection so far, and your 8 bit music is a favorite among a lot of my friends) and i think you're a musical genius. also, im sure this goes without saying, but you happen to be one of the best people to discuss computers and OSs with HANDS DOWN. if anyone has a question about linux, now that im gone, THIS IS THE GUY TO ASK. anyway, i don't want to leave too much of a tl;dr, and you probably won't read this anyway. so id just like to say that im going to miss you hardcore, and if you ever need someone, ill be there for you, no matter what.
Spoiler for eku:
you are awesome. plainly put. you are a cool guy to talk to. you have excellent taste in music (mainly because its very similar to my own taste) and just overall your tastes reflect my own. probably why wee get along well. i havent been close friends with you for as long as some of the people here, so i don't have much else to say, just keep doing what you're doing man, its working!
Spoiler for joomla:
oh god, this guy. fudge this guy lol. i remember when you joined you were somewhat NORMAL. i remember the first time i spoke to you, you seemed like the biggest braggart EVER. "oh every site ive ever joined ive been made a mod" (that statement was the reason behind my ragequit over the summer. you got made a mod, i was seriously pissed because i had been begging for mod status for nearly a year and a half, so i quit) anyway, dude im sorry i won't be around to help you configure slackware (not on an EP sponsored site/channel anyway) but i am at least happy that you started it. you're smart enough to figure it out yourself, and once you do, i can guarantee youll never go back to anything else. keep at it, its going to be an amazing experience. also, good luck with the whole graduating high school/starting your life thing. you have my email if you need it, if not, get it from greyghost or zinga or someone. peace man.
Spoiler for senseito_sakura:
sensei, i remember about two years ago, you said you were going to leave EP when your postcount went over 9000. you didnt. and i was very happy that you stuck around. you're one of the nicest and genuine people i have had the privelege of meeting.
Spoiler for YoY0:
haha i never knew you well until i went to the EP irc. if i ever had to pick someone who embodies "cool" it would be you. you're kind of a role model for me, yoyo.
Spoiler for Beaner2k6:
you, sir, are the only person to have given me a non-positive rep, a fact which has bothered me as long as i have been on EP. it comes from this thread, for those who had ever wondered. (youd have to be a REEEALLY old ep member to remember this.) idk why i even brought this up, i just felt it needed to be said. its probably a solid indicator of the sincerity of this quit though. i would never bring attention to my mistakes if i was planning on returning (would spoil my image). anyway, thank you for being around at the beginning and the end of my ep career, and thank you for being that grey spot on my otherwise perfect EP rep :p
Spoiler for dark_mirage:
you have improved a LOT since i met you. i have given you the benefit of the doubt a lot more than most people would, mainly because you remind me of myself back when i was your age. keep on struggling through learning about computers if you're really interested in them, and don't become dependent on asking people questions. if you research the problem yourself, the solution will stick with you, and in the future youll have those past solutions on which to build a solid understanding of the system you choose to use. it takes a longer time to solve the issue at hand at first, and its a lot more work, but its something you WANT to learn about, so researching on your own should be relatively enjoyable. if its not, then you probably don't want to know computers that well. good luck, and if you stick with it, youll be a linux god in no time :p (also, don't talk too much spoon about yourself. people CAN tell when you make up stories to sound cooler than you are. the best policy is to just be honest with new people. if theyre people who are worth your time, theyll take you for who you are, and won't need to be impressed with fantastic stories about stuff that you wish had happened)
Spoiler for mehhakker:
this has bothered me since i did it, but im sorry for leaving tainted nights to start my own graphics team. i don't like screwing people over like that, and i feel that i should apologize.

sorry if your name isn't here, it doesn't mean i don't like you, all it means is that when i decided to leave EP your name didnt pop into my head instantly.

so long, and thanks for all the fish!
what the fish ..

i just don't see the point in leaving :/
wow on the day i am healed i see this...
oh well its been nice hope you come back to say hi once in a while.
E = MC ^ Vagina

You can still hang around the IRC though!

I do hope this is not a goodbye and more of a - see you later!
Later ~_~
boogschd Wrote:what the fish ..

i just don't see the point in leaving :/

Yea that. But I suppose your free to do what you want after all. I'll be surprised if I don't see you back, as I don't think you can ever really leave the void.

trademark91 Wrote:remember the first time wee met in the shoutbox and i wrote your english paper for you, and your teacher said it was one of the best papers shed ever read? i still laugh about that sometimes. ive had fun being your american buddy, and i certainly enjoyed bullchocolate-ing with you, (even when you kept me up for days on end with neverending skype calls :D) also, i got this moved, but wee never got post count for it. for the record, the eagle still wins.  goodbye buddy.

Thanks man, you were one of the first people to talk to me on EP and made it worth staying here and becoming an active member. There's still the high chance ill come meet you one day.

But for now I suppose ill catch you on Skype or something. I find this whole "Leaving EP " thing to be silly as you have tried doing it before but came back and so have many others. I understand how you may not be able to relate or find reason to post much anymore but i don't think that's reason to leave. Just become a little inactive and check in by posting once in awhile when you do have an opinion or thought to share.

Leaving implies something so much more permanent which I don't think is necessary.

Trademark91 Wrote:also, i got this moved, but wee never got post count for it

42 pages of our legacy.

Trademark91 Wrote:for the record, the eagle still wins.

Ha. Ever the funny guy.

Slushba321 Wrote:Vagina
E = MC ^ Vagina

You really do need to be kicked in the cunt sometimes.
I'll miss you t91

All those times you thought you'd annoyed me, you never had. Though you did catch me on a bad one last night, i never hold it against you.

Peace out bro, you're a great fella and it was nice knowing you :3

Didn't know you well, but then again, no one knows me very well (which is why i try to blog :P); but i have to say you were a cool dude (if not condescending) to argue with and get advice from. You're a passionate guy and I do hope wherever you go, you'll find somewhere you'll feel right at home, if not here.

Good bye, but I bet you'll be back ;).

 If anyone noticed, I leave on a continual basis then reappear, it's just my life :P 
I think it's always beneficial for you to at least keep some ties with some members here, seeing as you've spent so much time with them.  Of course, you can be less active as stated, or simply not visit the forums if that's what you want, but it may be useful to keep in touch with some of those you mentioned in your first post (if you didn't plan to already).

But if you feel that you really want to cut all ties, for whatever reason, that of course is entirely your choice.  If you feel that way, then all I can do is wish you luck in achieving whatever you're thinking of doing (finding a more suitable online community, or spending less time in such places or focusing on something completely different).
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