Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Blue★Flame [6.20 + 6.38 + 6.39]
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[Image: banner-1.jpg]

This theme is a bit screwed since its illustrations are mixed between BRS OVA and the game.
I don't really care anyway, both are still designed by huke. In making this, I'm mostly helped by TSENEDA.

So the credits go to :


I'm a bit rushing in finishing this. So sorry if the pictures don't satisfy you. Facepalm

UPDATED fixed version Please download again >.<
changelog :
there was something wrong with folder's appearance on original and Z33, so i fixed this.
once again, thanks to TSENEDA for helping me to fix it

known bug : date layout on date and time setting is messed up [fixed on latest version]


6.38 version Converted by SonicTheHedgehog, fixed by me

[Image: rar.gif]  Blue_Flame.638.rar

real 6.39 version, converted by me :
- fixed the "date and time setting" layout
- edited the entrance BG animation

[Image: rar.gif]  Blue_Flame.639.rar

6.60 conversion by sal00
Nice job, mate! Madwin

What .rco holds the Images again?
Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]Nice job, mate! Madwin

What .rco holds the Images again?

which image? BRS? it's on system_plugin_bg.rco
No, like the MUSIC and GAME and stuff like that. D/ling
Aspheric Wrote: [ -> ]AWESOMESAUCE!

enjoy :P

Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]No, like the MUSIC and GAME and stuff like that. D/ling

isn't it obviously on topmenu_icon.rco? O.O
Sorry, ima noob. :P
cool theme :)
+rep for you
Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry, ima noob. :P

lol,,, i see
maybe you didn't see it since it's actually 600 px length, and ~70% of them are empty spaces Facepalm

mugi Wrote: [ -> ]cool theme :)
+rep for you

thanks Ahaa
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