Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Blue★Flame [6.20 + 6.38 + 6.39]
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@ sonic
cool,, I've tried to convert it this morning, but always froze XD
I'll test it first, if it worked then I'll put it on post #1

thanks alot Yay
fixed the Sonic's conversion (info bar colors)
updated on page 1
thanks for 6.39 version ;)
Respected eznoir, I would like to ask you something to fix a theme, if not lazy.) She likes me of course, but I would discover something that I wanted to fix, namely to remove the asterisks-indicators at the bottom of the screen (in other words, return to normal charging indicator light) and remove game and cold boots. Please =)

PS: for firmware 6.39 =)
PPS: request more do not actuality, because released new version of ctftool gui =)
Awwwww... please convert this to 5.50. I badly want to try this on my gen-b2.
I was able to put charging battarey only on the same side of the screen, where he was an old, how to move up have not found ...  do not remember, I decided to remove it altogether (I have been using HUD (plugin), so for me the standard indicator is not actuality=)) game and cold boots are standard.
So, receive and sign).
no, I'm not gonna do that

err....... i don't actually get your point
so did you modify my theme or something?
eznoir Wrote: [ -> ]no, I'm not gonna do that

no reason to be like that about it

Ill convert later, mediafire doesn't like my computer
dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]
eznoir Wrote: [ -> ]no, I'm not gonna do that

no reason to be like that about it

Ill convert later, mediafire doesn't like my computer

i do have a big reason, my psp can't install cfw 5.50
and if i ask someone who i cannot meet to test, it would turn out to have a lot of problems
eznoir, "modify"... i am return standart game and cold boots, and removed the battarey indicator.
I hope you do not mind, for my changes in your theme?)

PS: in my post theme for 5.50... i was think, that it iwas write for me)
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