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Full Version: How to Popsloader on 6.38 me-2
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No seriously, how?
I downloaded all the great psx games and updated my psp only to find that the game I am trying to run crashes when trying to use popsloader. The screen goes black the memory stick light flashes a bit I get a blackish screen and then it shuts down my psp.

I am using a psp 1000 with firmware 6.38 ME-2
anyone else having troubles? :3
Depends on the POPS Loader you're using. Also, try holding R when loading the game. If a menu shows, the loader is working but the POPS version is wrong.
Holding the right shoulder button doesn't do anything. Disabling the pops plugin allows you to view a black screen and use the home button to bring up the game menu and exit from there, but the game never actually loads and never displays the square playstation1 loading thingy.
Okay I read up on the issue and I guess popsloader is now integrated into the actual firmware. You don't need the plugin, but I'm trying to play breath of fire IV and it's not working...
think BoF4 was one of those games that needed a special ID to run properly, though someone feel free to correct me...so could be it was converted wrongly perhaps?

Didnt enjoy 4 as much as 3 anyway, have you tried that one?? Theres a dedicated PSP remake which was a decent enough time sink, though not really the solution your looking for by a long shot, i admit
Special ID you say? oo
There are like 4 different possible ID's to use for the game
I know I read some thread somewhere about some guy using the PAL id's with north american games to get them to play properly

gonna try the PLS id with my it is NTSC region regardless (although my iso uses the SLUS_01324 id)
Used the PLS ID looked like it had started loaded showed me a message bla bla "Be sure to read the precautions etc" the screen went black and nothing else happened :/
looking around off hand, doesn't seem your the only one getting it to run, though as it wasn't in english and the translation wasn't perfect, might have misinterpreted the comment.

Have you tried any other games, just to see if they will run, or if its the FW in general?
Vagrant Story ran ok
so I assume it's just this game. but sadly this was one of the games I really wanted to play :/
Oh well going to try to get a final fanatasy disk down to a reasonable 2 gig psp memory stick size
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