Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Theme WIP
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Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but whatever. Hi, I'm Rawrsor and I'm trying to make a theme. Yeah, it seems tough enough, and I'm probably gunna need help, but whatever. Plus I've been really bored, so yeah. So here it is, my WIP done in photoshop.
[Image: themewip.png]

The text might need smoothening, so if someone could help me with that, it would be greatly appreciated. Plus whoever helps me, I will credit you. Okay, thanks fro reading this post!

P.S. Not sure of any names. Please feel free to suggest names in your reply.
Can't see the image.
Oops. Better get to a different link!
Looks nice, for your first theme.
Yeah, making the text 'cleaner' will make it look, better.
Take into account that this was made in photoshop. Could you help me with this theme? I'm kind of a n00b :)
Am pretty much of a noob too.

I did this image just right now with PAINT.NET, idk if this is what your looking for:

[Image: set10.png]
Looks good. Just need it with the right font. It's Mortal Kombat or something. Can't check, I'm on my Ubuntu computer right now.
Yeah, let me know the font you used.
K, I'll check. Hold on...

So it's Mortal Kombat 3. But originally, i wanted it to be Visitor BRK. It came out all screwy wen i tilted it.
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