Endless Paradigm

Full Version: The Official "Awesome Wallpapers" Thread!
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I thought I would make this thread so everyone could share their favorite wallpapers maybe when someone wants to find a cool wallpaper, they can come here!

[Image: TigerGirlRight.th.jpg] [Image: AppleSunset.th.jpg] [Image: FunkyAppleGreen.th.jpg] [Image: Sunset.th.jpg] [Image: SexyAnime.th.jpg] [Image: Girls.th.jpg] [Image: AppleSky.th.jpg] [Image: Flower.th.jpg] [Image: Sexy.th.jpg] [Image: SexyGirl.th.jpg] [Image: Wave.th.jpg] [Image: AppleHorizon.th.jpg] [Image: TigerGirlLeft.th.jpg] [Image: Aurora.th.jpg] [Image: AbstractSunshine.th.jpg][Image: AquaJ.th.jpg] [Image: WarLoveAndHarmony.th.jpg] [Image: Free.th.jpg]  

For some reason, I really like the abstract ones.

Also, the higher the resolution, the better, because that way it'll look good no matter what your computer resolution is.
I have some good ones, but idk if I feel like uploading them right now

maybe later
[Image: NewPicture-3.jpg]

Heres mine.
Should use thumbnails...

And post wallpapers rather than screenshots (they're for the Desktop thread :P)

[Image: onegaitwins011024hf9.th.jpg][Image: chobits161280oj6.th.jpg]
people can have a wallpaper of my desktop.
I just uploaded pretty much every good wallpaper I have.
just made this today

[Image: th_Untitled-1.jpg]
The wallpaper that I'm using has been uploaded on HongFire for quite some time

nice i just found me a new wallpaper and new sources for infoscreens on my psp thanks again goshi
That's what this thread is for :)
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