Endless Paradigm

Full Version: The Official "Awesome Wallpapers" Thread!
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Ooh, HongFire - now that's a site I need to download...
woo photoshop for the win

yes i made this
[Image: 1337backgroundqd0.th.jpg]
[Image: 1187404136089mb6.jpg]
I was lied to...
Very nice Wallpapers here, I will post some of mine when I get back from school^^
awww the one i like most from the start post is probably not acceptable at school...

it needs more WIDESCREEN! 1440x900, preferably 1680x1050
here are the current contents of my wallpapers folder. my background changes every 60 seconds

[Image: naruto90tk0.th.jpg]
[Image: schoolrumble18jy1.th.jpg]
[Image: vlcsnap962034io1.th.png]
[Image: vlcsnap961797zt7.th.png]
[Image: naruto89zu7.th.jpg]
[Image: schoolrumble16cb9.th.jpg]
[Image: naruto72ra8.th.jpg] <best naruto wallpaper ever
[Image: vlcsnap963004qw1.th.png] <kaolla su from love hina, from ep 10 or somet
[Image: naruto73jg1.th.jpg]
[Image: naruto71am7.th.png]
[Image: naruto86wd1.th.jpg]
[Image: naruto70ji3.th.jpg]
[Image: naruto14fh7.th.jpg]
[Image: naruto32nk2.th.jpg]
[Image: naruto11dh8.th.png]
[Image: naruto10xt4.th.jpg]
[Image: lovehina08ku4.th.jpg]
[Image: naruto13kb2.th.jpg]
[Image: lovehina23rh5.th.jpg]
[Image: lovehina17et1.th.jpg]
[Image: hinauk5.th.png]
[Image: konarm2.th.jpg]
[Image: girlsbravo05nf7.th.jpg]
[Image: ghostintheshell18oo9.th.jpg]
[Image: chobits161280oj6ec6.th.jpg]
[Image: chobits50la1.th.jpg]
[Image: chobits15uf6.th.jpg]
[Image: chobits04hp7.th.jpg]
[Image: chobits13eb8.th.jpg]

most need to be resized and i need more....
Ge64 Wrote:it needs more WIDESCREEN! 1440x900, preferably 1680x1050

The only thing is that I don't have a widescreen monitor and widescreen wallpapers look like poo poo in standard format. Therefore I don't bother with them.
i know but everyone who buys a new monitor gets a widescreen pretty much and lots of ppl have one already (including me, 2 even)
Look at my DeviantArt for a few of my older wallpapers, I will post my new ones later
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