You forgot the QWERTY keyboard. But seriously. I don't type on my PSP other than the occasional player name, Google search or nickname. In that order.
- Something like TN settings would be nice. But there's the M33 VSH Menu which pretty much takes care of my CPU speed needs. Can't remember the last time I went to the recovery menu (which is what I think it's trying to emulate) because I activate all my plugins with Notepad.
- I have SensMe - though I don't really use it. At all.
Custom icon even: I clearly remember posting it on EP first.
- Comics are usually in .cbz or .cbr format (which are essentially ZIP and RAR archives). PSP Filer opens and zooms them very quickly. I read lots of manga with it -- content which you can't find on PSN.
- Very few themes I like. I'm sure most, if not all of them can be converted to 5.XX using CTFtool GUI.
- Password control ?? Hahaha. I'm an only child. Pørn stash is hidden in the SaveData folder in case someone pokes around.
- "Game resume" sounds nice too but I've been living without it since 2007, so meh. I'll happily continue using the sleep button - like I always have - and turning it off when I'm done
(using the vsh menu, much faster than holding the power button up).
- Why would I need an iso loader ? There's the M33 driver. Newer games work. I'm what you would call a happy camper. And the "
Speed up MS access" feature from 5.00 M33-6 works wonders. Especially if you have a fake memory stick. You can't find anything similar for 6.XX. Not even fatmsmod, which was the alternative if you were using 5.50 GEN.
- "HEN cfw" isn't even an argument. Homebrew works too but with a lot more compatibility because a lot of homebrew were designed for 3.XX - 5.XX.
- Subfolders for... music ? Yes... because I would
really like a really long folder structure like "Music\MP3\Genre\Album\Artist\Tracks". Come on...
One feature from 6.XX that I would love to have would be to set my birthday.

Just kidding.