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PSP 3000: 6.20 Pro B-5 CFW (aka perm patch) Most stable and is the first real 'CFW' for psp 3ks and up.
6.35 PRO-B5 it works really well and i haven't had any bugs sense using this bad baby cfw. Smokingg
Mine is in CFW PRO-B5 6.35...it's the best for me...
that's Light Custom FirmWare Jus to clarify, Right?
Still on 5.00 m33.

I mainly use the PSP to play vids these days, as opposed to play games, so no real need to update.

Probably will update sometime though.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]Still on 5.00 m33.

I mainly use the PSP to play vids these days, as opposed to play games, so no real need to update.

Probably will update sometime though.

pretty much this. except that I am on GEN. I play little games on my PSP and they are usually old ones so I don't see a real necessity to update right now
PSP 2000: 6.37ME-8

PSP 1000: 6.38ME-2

Other PSP 1000: 6.20PRO Before
i am using 6.35 pro on my psp 1000 right now ^^
I'm on 5.50 GEN because the only games i play on my PSP now are Project Diva 1 & 2, and K-ON! Houkago Live!

I only use my PSP for watching videos as well...  Never really used it for gaming that much anyway heh
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