Official PSP Firmware 6.38 has been released by Sony!
Just another "system software stability update", this just means "
fixed ways to hack it".
I uploaded a full pack, so you just need to copy the "PSP" folder to your PSP Root and overwrite existing files.
But signed homebrews are still working guys.
Download for PSP-X000
Download for PSPgo
cheers. flofrucht
I've made the pack for noobs, so they don't need to create anythin' ;)
But its ok.
Anyway, I hate those lame updates, only security fixes.
I don't understand why they are even updating the PSP...... They failed with the PSP. If they can't make a whitelist for the PSP why even Update the system stability... I mean wee already got a N64 emulator and gpSP-J 110402 and lots of signed homebrew

Hello..flofrucht thanks for the news...
Hope this is meaning that there is a way to find a kernel exploit into the OFW 6.37...!!
Did any one had an information about the freddy_156 exploit ????
I just wish this wasn't meant for Patapon 3
did sony patch HBL on 6.38?
No, why they should?
HBL is signed and signed homebrews are working ;=)
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]I don't understand why they are even updating the PSP...
Me niether. I am actually surprised to see another PSP update. i thought $ONY gave up by now...
I've heard this makes Qrocity working as well, it maybe won't work on 6.37 and lower...