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Dunno how this'll turn out, but let's give it a shot.

Let's play a game against a computer opponent - post your suggested moves and I'll select the most popular (at my discretion :P), or if there's a tie, I'll pick one.
Post stupid moves if you want to, to make the game more interesting! (opponent isn't that strong)
I'm hoping that wee'll get at least a whole game.
Playing black here.  Suggest away!

Current Game - Black to move
[Image: ch23z.jpg]
  1. Nc3 d5
  2. g3 d4
  3. Nb5 a6
  4. d3 axb5
  5. Bg2 Nc6
  6. c4 Bh3
  7. Bxh3 bxc4
  8. Bg2 cxd3
  9. Qd2 exd2
  10. Nxd2 e5
  11. a3 Rxa3
  12. Rxa3 Bb4
  13. Nc3 Bxa4
  14. Ne2 Bc5
  15. g4 Nge6
  16. Bf3 Bb4
  17. Kd1 Qd5
  18. Bxd5 Bxd2
  19. Bb3 Ba5
  20. f3 f6
  21. h3 d3
  22. Nd4 Nxd4
  23. Be3

Here's the computer's first move:
[Image: 49665892.jpg]
If you want silly moves, I suggest this as an opening, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grob%27s_Attack
Lol "Grob".  Pork Chop Opening is better though.

So what was your move again?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Lol "Grob".  Pork Chop Opening is better though.

So what was your move again?

It was the grob opening. Otherwise, move d7 to d5, get it taken by the knight.
[Image: ch2wf.jpg]
Wtf opening is that...

Dunno lol, d4.

But then I have like exam soon, so can't really sit there play chess right now.
I thought that was the king behind the pawn you moved (which is probably why the knight didn't take it)
After all these years, I can't believe I still mix up my king and queen pieces.
This game seems stupid..

Well, b8 to c6
Assassinator was first, so wins:
[Image: ch3d.jpg]
(keep going with a7-a6 lol)
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I'm hoping that wee'll get at least a whole game.
I set my expectations too high...

a6 it is!
[Image: ch4l.jpg]
(lol at computer's response)
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