Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [chess] vs a computer
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7. ... bxc4
[Image: ch8g.jpg]
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Now d8 to d5.

Hey, I need that queen to win with a queen sacrifice, lol.


Quote:Post stupid moves if you want to, to make the game more interesting!
There's nothing more stupid then deliberately hanging your pieces.
I feel that the computer is trolling us...
[Image: ch9w.jpg]
fudge it, I'll take, see how long I can keep taking.

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I feel that the computer is trolling us...
[Image: ch9w.jpg]

9. ... dxe2
10. Nxe2
[Image: ch10.jpg]

lets see how it reacts.  big losses if it plays incorrectly.
[Image: ch11t.jpg]

Ha!  There goes your plan of Bb4 (though Nc3 would be a way out).
That being said, Assassinator should focus more on his studies than this thread.  If Sparker is still around, I'll take the next move from him as long as he replies soon.
Stupid moves For the win!!

Rook to a3
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