Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Fake Miku HAPPY ENDING!
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Everything bellow 40 dollars is pretty much fake...
Chinese knockoffs my friend

That figure technically costed 120$ brand new (by which i mean, the lucky adopters, an AUCTION will go for HIGHER for such a collectible); an ebay auction for 20$?

Too much bullchocolate in that.
Tetris999 Wrote: [ -> ]Chinese knockoffs my friend

That figure technically costed 120$ brand new (by which i mean, the lucky adopters, an AUCTION will go for HIGHER for such a collectible); an ebay auction for 20$?

Too much bullchocolate in that.
i don't care if its a nock off dude so long as its miku that i look at wen i get it and not a slithering snake
im takeing screen shot guys....
spoon i can't do it my phones tetherin succks donkey!

here is a link hopefully it works
please say something guys i really need you
its dark so im going to sleep but if my post gets anny updates my phone will advize me
thanks for your time sorry if i was an donkey today.
300nukez Wrote: [ -> ]i don't care if its a nock off dude so long as its miku that i look at wen i get it and not a slithering snake

I suppose in that aspect, it's fine. And I guess twenty dollars isn't too expensive for a knock off. I personally would've paid less.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]
300nukez Wrote: [ -> ]i don't care if its a nock off dude so long as its miku that i look at wen i get it and not a slithering snake

I suppose in that aspect, it's fine. And I guess twenty dollars isn't too expensive for a knock off. I personally would've paid less.

thankyou sparker if you have a da account send me a link and ill donate to you.
thanks for the comforting words i just never boght online before
Nah, I don't have one. But thanks for the donation offer anyway.
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