Make PSP batteries in service mode and downgrade 1000, 2000 PSPs from 6.37! 
Thanks to Hellcat for saving me from ripping open a battery to hard mod it, lol.
Thanks to whoever first made signing for OFW possible.
Also yay to me for signing this homebrew, lol.
Previous release can be found here:
The pandora's battery won't work on a TA-88 V3 Motherboard
Sorry dude it works for my PSP 1001.
Its very usefull but mebbe a signed cfw/ofw installer would be more useful now(an signed cfw installer wich checks if a cfw is possible ;p ),. wee don't really need pandora anymore,. only when you bricked your PSP mebbe,.
but still its the best tool-box

No, anything above TA-85v2 (including) can't create a Pandora battery, but a Pandora battery will work for anything under TA-88v3.
Works great,. except i can't make a "normal battery" >? the serial stays on 0x00ab0000,...
edit: i turned it to normal in my PSP-2000,. with hellcat's tool,. cfw,.[/u]
Nice,with what did you signed it ?