Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Signed Homebrews for OFW.
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Great work dude!
Updated my 6.38 OFW Games and Apps with, Basilisk II: A 68k Macintosh Emulator, can you post this on yours from my page?
Updated thread.
SpaceCraft v2.0 works but when i played level 1 got this error:
Quote:game.lua:232 bad argument #1 to stop
(sound expected, got nil)
[O Salir]      [X Reset]

tested 638 OFW PSP-2000

also tried in 638cfw and seems to work fine,.. mebbe it was a random error,..

TruPhoto v1 doesn't work in 638ofw,. The game could not be started. (80020148)
also don't work on 620ofw just a crash no error
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]SpaceCraft v2.0 works but when i played level 1 got this error:
Quote:game.lua:232 bad argument #1 to stop
(sound expected, got nil)
[O Salir]      [X Reset]

tested 638 OFW PSP-2000

also tried in 638cfw and seems to work fine,.. mebbe it was a random error,..

TruPhoto v1 doesn't work in 638ofw,. The game could not be started. (80020148)
also don't work on 620ofw just a crash no error

Thank you very much for testing V1 Madwin
%^^no problem :) i have got ofw 620(PSP-Go) and ofw 638(PSP-2000) so let me know ;)
Tried signing bugz:

and scogger:

but was unable to get them to work on OFW, maybe you'll could try signing them and see if you get better results :]
Here are them signed versions need people to test them :)

Download removed
[Image: menu.png]

Scogger v0.2
Download removed
[Image: scoggerpsp0.png]

gpSP-J 110507
[Image: psp_download_button_en.png]
[Image: 0005-3b917.png]
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]Here are them signed versions need people to test them :)

[Image: psp_download_button_en.png]
[Image: menu.png]

Scogger v0.2
[Image: psp_download_button_en.png]
[Image: scoggerpsp0.png]
gpSP-J 110507
[Image: psp_download_button_en.png]
[Image: 0005-3b917.png]

bugz loads but returns to xmb with an 800*** error, and trying to run scogger comes up with a corrupted message. Whyowhy

Tested on a PSP Go, with 6.20 TN-E

Thanks for trying though. Madwin
I have signed these but I need people to test these on OFW.

Note: you will need OFW 6.35 or higher.

PSP filer v6.6
[Image: psp_download_button_en.png]
[Image: pspfiler.png]

FallBall v3
[Image: psp_download_button_en.png]
[Image: 24702_200810051247210pl4.bmp]

For PSP filer I think you can only view Ms0:

No flash0/1 access.
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