It works but not with all APPs for example it don't with some emus...

Anyway i had a similar idea to make one thread with those apps on qj.I'm gonna take yours cause I'm bored to patch them again :p
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for Go!pod.
Before on 6.20 tn a/b don't work on gol...
No problem
nickxab Wrote: [ -> ]It works but not with all APPs for example it don't with some emus...
Anyway i had a similar idea to make one thread with those apps on qj.I'm gonna take yours cause I'm bored to patch them again :p
Alright man :)
I have also signed Plugin2Flash app... But I don't want to put it up because people will brick their PSP's
Lol upload it.

I don't think edits the custom btcnf files and on the OFWs there is only..i think so thought :p
Nah upload it.
Oh maybe you missed that but btcnf tool v3 by manatails007(Seungju Kim) works too.

PMPlayer Advance not work on gol.
App tels: 'init fail,press X to exit..'
'The game could not be started. (80020148)'
Great post ... well i don't think sorny will be so mad from that HB on the PSP , now the sales of the console will explode again.
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote: [ -> ]PMPlayer Advance not work on gol.
App tels: 'init fail,press X to exit..'
'The game could not be started. (80020148)'
Its because PMPlayer Advance is not designed for PSP Go.
Ok time to flash my 6.35 nand-dump :p
Meahhh..then im back to 6.20 tn-b hen (not signed) :P
nickxab Wrote: [ -> ]Ok time to flash my 6.35 nand-dump :p
I'm not going to Update or downgrade... because I have done it soo many times that my psp has got a bad block.....
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote: [ -> ]Meahhh..then im back to 6.20 tn-b hen (not signed) :P
I think its because PSP GO has ef0 the 16gb flash space.