Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 6.35 Custom v4 Released!
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PSP Developer neur0n released a 6.35 Custom Firmware for hackable PSP's.
This CFW is Beta 4,so there could be some Bugs.
It also only works with a hackable PSP Slim 2000.
Do not try this with a ta88v3 PSP or PSP 1000/3000/Go,that CFW will brick your PSP!


Mirror: Share-Online.biz


Note: I'm always writing News for EP,I would be happy for some reputation.

I was about to post this lol :P Shame it's tied to older models for now. Makes me wish I still had my hackable 2000. Just got to sit and wait Knock-knock +rep
Thank you for the news Yay

What about old plugins and homebrews? The same compatybility like on 6.3X PRO or like on 6.20 HEN?
"P昨日U Tta modified version of the guy. This should not freeze even CXMB enabled" (Google translate)

What is it called ?
Let me try it, and I'll give you a feedback! Madwin by the way +rep granted!

EDIT: Should I be on 6.35 HEN first to use this?
Remove the seplugins folder,some guys tried to install it and it wasn't working with plugins.
I installed it. It works and everything, but I really do not recommend anyone to install this at the moment. ISOs aren't supported only homebrew, some plugins aren't working properly, this is because most of the plugins are designed for 5.XX, so I recommend you to either wait for the final release or until it's stable enough.
@Insidexdeath thank you for that information! now I think I'll stick with 6.20TN-B since I found it much stable than 5.50GEN Madwin
Nice FW! But it don't have Recovery menu and vshmenu. PSP don't have booting animation and starting on "Video". Of course i still like it.
hmm i test this but have more bugs i hope fixe it, no iso or plug-in.

How to install, you need 6.35 PRO and than run this homebrew (CFW) is only for 200x (non ta-88v3)
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