Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2 3
Knurr Wrote: [ -> ]Fix for v3 is out:


And VSH menu:


By the way. Anybody can try VSH menu and recovery menu from 5.50 GEN?

Yeah if you want a brick. Madwin
I have pandora Specky
Knurr Wrote: [ -> ]I have pandora Specky

It will not work....... The end.
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]
Knurr Wrote: [ -> ]I have pandora Specky

It will not work....... The end.

Your an idiot, pandora is hardware based, therefore it will ALWAYS fix your psp, dumbass
dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]
Knurr Wrote: [ -> ]I have pandora Specky

It will not work....... The end.

Your an idiot, pandora is hardware based, therefore it will ALWAYS fix your psp, dumbass

No sir... Your the fudgeing idiot...... Knurr Said he wants to try and see if VSH menu and recovery menu from 5.50 GEN works on 6.35 hen pro...

And I said it will not work.... Dumbfudge.
Of course PRX's from 5.50 GEN don't working...
I know how pandora is working. I have PSP 3/4 years and i know somethink about PSP.

6.35 Custom v4:


-- Update Nid resolver. Now you can use Prometheus ISO loader!

Prometheus ISO loader is included. For more informations check readme's (for 6.35 Custom and for ISO Loader).

Thanks,I'm updating the Thread.
thanks ;)
Pages: 1 2 3
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