Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 2011 no fap contest standings
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I won't be defeated. Plus it might make mr rnd up going searching for one.
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]but you get action.

donuts240, have you fapped since the beginning of 2011, and do you have a girlfriend/fudgebuddy/get action?

i need that info to enter you in the contest.

No I haven't fapped since the beginning of 2011, no fudgebuddy.
well, if you mean action... it was new years it happened...

but not into anymore

sex just complicates things

no sex till im ready (she's ready too, but im single so until then)
that was my new years resolution
wee are not going to sit and argue about this.
i just don't want to be in the fudgebuddy section that's all
and then nurehtix has to compete with himself

ill stay

I lost Whyowhy
So hows this thing going?
heh, I'm still going strong. Easier than I thought
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