Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 2011 no fap contest standings
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I wonder who'll have a wet dream or similar...
i had one a few days ago, actually. and the contest in my other forum site got cancelled due to obscene posting in the thread. so its just the ep contest. i wonder how many people who entered are actually still in?

im still going, by the way. it seems to make me more productive.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I wonder who'll have a wet dream or similar...

lol yeah.
i want to enter. I don't care if my win counts for nothing cause i entered late.. i just need to be in this lol
Heh, so long as you haven't fapped since the beginning of the year. Then you're good to go
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]i had one a few days ago, actually. and the contest in my other forum site got cancelled due to obscene posting in the thread. so its just the ep contest. i wonder how many people who entered are actually still in?

im still going, by the way. it seems to make me more productive.

How often did you do it that it made you less productive -_-
I have a girlfriend, a fudgebuddy AND I still fap. I'd say I'm pretty productive Madwin
saw these threads awhile ago, and was gonna enter but i lost a loooong time ago.
just found this thread today

i lasted like a week into the new year lol
Hmm... Didn't know if this was still going. Well, I've been out since Friday of last week.
HawkeYe Wrote: [ -> ]Heh, so long as you haven't fapped since the beginning of the year. Then you're good to go

in that case, ill be a late entry as well, im going strong even without the contest
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