Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] 6.20 TN-A / Homebrew Enabler (HEN)
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its a plugin that u can bipass media go
to download the latest content

u put the Version you want in VERSIONFAKE.txt
Like 6.36 to can download

its useless when you have psnlover.prx but Im without router
And where might i be able to this awesome plugin?
FreakAlchemist Wrote: [ -> ]And where might i be able to this awesome plugin?

Here u are
LuanTeles Wrote: [ -> ]IT WORKS ON ALL PSPS MODELS

No need to shout, but thanks.

wee're welcome =)
Here  homebrew didnt work
Luan, correct me if I'm wrong, CFE means CFW Enabler?

Custom Extender Firmware 3.1
I thought CFW Enabler.

I guess that would be today's option for ISO Support on 6.20TN, I think. ^^;
To run isos you can use the USB ISO LOADER but the iso must be on PC
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