Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] 6.20 TN-A / Homebrew Enabler (HEN)
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I wish that I could test on my PSP 1001, but I need a new faceplate and no money to buy one...
it doesn't work on my psp 1000, it says WARNING! MEMORY LEAK! then turns off
On my psp go says Wrning! memory leak!...but its work.

And...light mp3 still doesn't work..after gameboot»intro»i have freez,but psp don't turn off
ignore memory leak,i have the same error on psp go..
but homebrews are workin
Hb works too but light not working..
By the way. Any pluginz worked whit go at this moment..?
im trying run hud.prx,ledcontrol..but not working
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]ignore memory leak,i have the same error on psp go..
but homebrews are workin

but it doesn't even show the xmb it just turns off
dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]ignore memory leak,i have the same error on psp go..
but homebrews are workin

but it doesn't even show the xmb it just turns off

Their is a bug for some psp 3k/2k/1k

On the 2k it shows the XMB but homebrews don't work same with 1k.... same with the 3k....

Sooo you have to wait for TN to fix the bugs.

But the hen works great for PSP GO.
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]
dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]ignore memory leak,i have the same error on psp go..
but homebrews are workin

but it doesn't even show the xmb it just turns off

Their is a bug for some psp 3k/2k/1k

On the 2k it shows the XMB but homebrews don't work same with 1k.... same with the 3k....

Sooo you have to wait for TN to fix the bugs.

But the hen works great for PSP GO.

Just off-topic: so really, the point of delaying the release of HEN is for GEN to gain huge traffic. They didn't "debugged" it much. :3

Works great on my PSP GO :)

usb-isoloader crashes, anyone got it working on a GO?
FreeCheat crashes when trying to load cheats with the Square button.
Homebrew Sorter works fine.
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