Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] GoldenWitch Theme
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New theme!
On CPU clock default, may be slow.
[Image: 01a.jpg]

Spoiler for more images:
[Image: 00.jpg]

classic wave
[Image: 02.jpg]

[Image: 03.jpg]

information screen
[Image: 06.jpg]

[Image: 05.jpg]

music player
[Image: 04.jpg]

thanks to
ZiNgA BuRgA - Rcomage and Rcoeditor
patpat - CTFtoolv5beta
Vegetano1, Shmilk and other offset finders
Davee and Bubbletune - prx descrambler
highboy - vshmaineditor
Wololo and the HBL team
Total_Noob - 6.20TN
neur0n Virtuous Flame & Coldbird - 6.xx(L)CFW
Dark Alex and Team Gen - CFW

Spoiler for a making note 6.20:

6.20 paf.prx offset
0x69c X position topmenu text 30
0x6a4 X position Extra text 38
0x71c X position top config text 38
0xa60 X length scroll text in config 324

6.20 vshmain.prx offset
0xd4 busy fadein speed 100
0xe0 busy fadeout speed 100
0x3fc X position XMB in rssch optionmenu -290
0x428 X position XMB in sub sub folder -370
0x44938~0x44cf4 wave color?
0x45314~0x45484 (~0x454b4?) menu color

6.20 sysconf.prx offset
0x234 Y size psp_about_xx0 & EN1 104 
0x238 X size psp_about_xx0 & EN1 480
0x250 Y size psp_about_EN2~JP3 182 
0x254 X size psp_about_EN2~JP3 464

6.20 music_browser.prx offset
0x110 Y size album preview pic 19
0x114 Y Relative Position Album preview pic -2
0x128 X size album preview pic 19
6.20 photo_browser.prx offset
0x154 position screen shot preview -3 (0=center)
0x15c Y size screen sthot preview 46
0x224 Y size folder preview 18
0x228 Y position folder preview -3
0x23c X size folder preview 30

6.20 photo_player.prx offset
0x18c Y size folder preview in slideshow 18
0x190 X size folder preview in slideshow 30
0x19c Y position folder preview in slideshow -3
0x1a4 X size folder preview? 30
0x1a8 Y size folder preview? 18
0x478 Y size folder preview in slideshow option 18
0x47c X size folder preview in slideshow option 30
0x484 Y position folder preview in slideshow option -3
0x490 X size folder preview? 30
0x494 Y size folder preview? 18

"anim_hbresume" "anim_hbresume_solidwave"

"volume_bt_mark" :??

"GBP" "GB" "GP" :help screen
shadow in help page
"G58""G80""G81" :can't delete these objects

"text:msg_connect_usbhost" :changed text name
"page_video_config_volume"  :changed list order
"page_psp_config_slide_action" :for psp go?
"mlist_date_time_config_timezone" :removed MList items
"event:native:/OnCursorMoveMlistThemeConfig" :wallpaper & wave preview

"EN1" :media go
"EN4" :blue tooth for psp go?
"EN6" :skype for psp2000~

"page_copy_5g" :??


"AF" :MList was unified

EDIT:fixed some bug
Theme looks great!! Nice work Tseneda

I like flying butterfly animations.
Please try it when you have free time.
* xero1 likes

Theme is great! great theme Madwin

found little bug,. ,. osk>>help screen crash ;p
There are so many animations and they all flow so well with the XMB, like the infobars, music player and the OSK. My favorite animation is the first butterfly its so intricate.

Very impressive theme, thankyou for sharing Madwin
Awesomeness !!!   Madwin

Using this theme on my PSP SLIM now !
Fantastic animations  Yay
Thanks guysYay

Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]Theme is great! great theme Madwin

found little bug,. ,. osk>>help screen crash ;p

I tested it in Japanese. I couldn't find that.
Now fixed, thank you:P
hehe very cool, thank you.ill put it in good use.
Nice Job!

Thanks for this ^^
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