Nevermind guys, i fixed it. Tried a different method with the patcher and now it works like a charm, thanks so much guys!!! Keep up the great work you are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!
1 question?
will this updates come every day?
or on 2 days?
or ... ?
just asking.
thanks anyway for making monster hunter portable 3rd possible for me.
dude could put the link @ mediafire please..i could not able to dl from mega...will u please do it bro preety please
I think i found a problem with item translation.
(sry for my bad english)
With the Bullfango Pelt and Bullfango Pelt +
Bullfango Pelt Rare 1
And on your Translation, it's Bullfango Pelt +
Thank u, and see u
v0.29b uploaded! Items are now 100% translated.
thank you man.
1 question?
can you translate all the menus now.
couse its really irritating to find gestures and stuf.
THANKS for the english patch.
Thank you for your awesome work!
I just wanted to ask if i have to apply only the last update or all of them , cause i don't see any of the elderly quests translation!