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Mugi Mugi Mugiiii :D

[Image: tsumugi_kotobuki_alter_figure_by_properb...33e93l.jpg]


<3 <3 <3


She's finally here! <3

Coming in an even BIGGER box than the previous record holder, Mio-chan. <3

[Image: 1000164d.jpg]

[Image: 1000165h.jpg]

Just for reference, box sizes ^_^

[Image: 1000166d.jpg]

Now onto business :D

Mugi is amazing, normal business from Alter, perfect. Flowing hair with plenty of strands and toning. Her clothes are creased naturally and it just looks right ^_^


I have to say her expression isn't nearly as lively as the other characters but it still has a real charm to it :)

[Image: 1000170c.jpg]

Her stand is really sturdy, and big too as the box pointed out to me xD
Keeping the style from previous figures, very nice and well-done from alter :)

[Image: 1000173h.jpg]

The keyboard and stand are not held down at all, though are grippy. which is a bit risky, but the fragile nature of the stand means this is for the best, to avoid people snapping the stand if it got stuck in place too much.

[Image: 1000175oj.jpg]

Her fingers are more slender than the other girls', which is a nice touch for Mugi, as the keyboardist in the band.

[Image: 1000176nn.jpg]

Her hair, thick and lovely. Alter don't skip anywhere and the back of figures is no exception. Really adds to the in-motion impression this set of figures is giving.

[Image: 1000178o.jpg]

A nice full-body shot :) Now i hear you cry:



[Image: 1000174.jpg]


Korg Triton Extreme 76-key Keyboard (Brand-Free ofc for licensing reasons)
And yes, the model keyboard does have 76 keys :D
I'm sad enough to count

So many features here, they must have spent more time going over the keyboard features because there are so many things they could've missed ^^"

[Image: 1000167o.jpg]

Fully set up it looks a treat, the stand comes up perfect and there is even an instruction leaf to tell you how to align the keyboard with mugi's hands xD The stnad wobbles a bit if knocked, but i cannot knock them because it's just so thin and true to a real one.

[Image: 1000177en.jpg]

Details do NOT go a miss on this keyboard, every dial is labeled and marked perfectly, with actual TINY lettering. Thank god i have 20/20 vision xD

Interesting fact, on the pic above, that LCD screen has in the song section the words "Cagayake!GIRLS" written on it. The mystery of what song they're playing/are about to play/have just finished playing is over xD

[Image: 1000179o.jpg]

More dials, volume etc. I cannot get over the detail. When i go to Japan, need to visit them to personally thank them LOL

[Image: 1000180y.jpg]

MOAR attention-to-detail xD This valve here, recognise it? Well you should ;D It's from the first OP of K-ON!, as it turns on a glows bright blue right at the beginning of ^_^

[Image: 86024869.png]

Doesn't stop there though, even the back of the keyboard is packed with inputs and the notation for them. They even remade the warning stamp for the back too!

[Image: 1000171x.jpg]

And yet more inputs, wee have USB ports, dials sound inputs and outputs, the whole shebang!!

[Image: 1000172l.jpg]

I have said before but i cannot believe it is possible to make things this small so detailed. I've been astounded by each and every one of my figures, and i CANNOT wait for my 5th and (hypothetically) last one.

[Image: 1000163t.jpg]

Obligatory Group Shot! :D :D :D

Thank you Alter, HobbySearch and EMS JapanPost for delivering my order.

However Her Majesty's Customs and Excise know where they can shove it T_T

The band is missing one member D:

Ricchan doko desu kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!?

tl;dr I got a mugi figure. It's awesome!
get a glass shelf XD
hecaitomix Wrote: [ -> ]get a glass shelf XD

im in university accommodation, i can't change anything.
So cuute!!  >A<

Good job your the best k-on! fan i know. ENVY!! Inluv
wow damn, that IS detail...
Tetris999 Wrote: [ -> ]wow damn, that IS detail...

crazy detail

nice one propa' Madwin
you make me want to display mine ;D, new room preparation should be done this week, hopefully, the glass installed as well so i can display everything.
I should get a glass cabinet display for my figures too.
I'm starting to hate you.
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]I'm starting to hate you.

why? :S
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