hot damn, the Korg Triton is awesome.
so is Mugi-chan. :3
very nice.
Keyboard has crazy, crazy detail.
I bet your proud.
wow that keyboard detail is crazy! the band is all together now :D
SchmilK Wrote: [ -> ]wow that keyboard detail is crazy! the band is all together now :D
no ritsu yet ;_;
Hmm yes that is a very detailed keyboard. I think by far this one if my favorite :D
Mmmm, I like that figure.
The amount of detail is certainly amazing.
Nice :P
Damn, that's an accessory for a model of a ficticious character, and the detail is meticulous to the nth degree!
Color me "gobsmacked", with a hint of "Amazed". Pehraps a touch of "Envious", if you're feeling adventurous.
Superb. Alter has done a wonderful job with Mugi. I envy your purchase!
Crazy detail is crazy, nice one Proper^^