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Super Idol Lunar-chan Wrote: [ -> ]
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Speaking of FFs, I'd like to see a remake of FFIII which is more faithful to the NES version.

NDS wasn't good? I saw it in 3d and it reminded me of ffix battle system :P

There's just something about it that I don't seem to like about it.
Too bad the Wonder Swan Crystal version of the game was canceled.
Super Idol Lunar-chan Wrote: [ -> ]
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Speaking of FFs, I'd like to see a remake of FFIII which is more faithful to the NES version.

NDS wasn't good? I saw it in 3d and it reminded me of ffix battle system :P

Enemy party size was shrunk due to hardware limitations. Some classes were rebalanced too. Some for the better (Viking, Dragoon) but otherwise some were a bit silly.

Red Mages for example pretty much outclass Warriors is every area barring defense. There's no reason to use a Warrior EVER (Advance just sucks). Also they changed where you get some of the jobs, and pretty much all those moves were idiodic. Why the hell do I have to wait until to the Earth Crystal for the Black Belt class!? Its stupid!

Quote:Chronotrigger needs a full 3d remake, or more look like a DragonQuest 8 graphics, which is i found good

Personally, I think Chrono Trigger is already perfect. I can't think of one thing I would want changed in the game. Oh... I suppose there's the fact Marle is useless in battle but I never really liked her anyway >_>
Super Idol Lunar-chan Wrote: [ -> ][Image: moobs.png][Image: icey.gif]

^Clash at Demonhead, I loved it when I was little because it was random and strange. A NDS remake would be cool since there were so many glitches in it, most likely it was intended to look that way..it was still epic.  I can't imagine this in anything but 2D.

Decided to watch a couple of videos to bring back memory and....I take back what I said. I would hate a remake of this game. It's too perfect xD
Goshi Wrote: [ -> ]Some classes were rebalanced too. Some for the better (Viking, Dragoon) but otherwise some were a bit

Uh, Dragoon was fine the way they were in the NES version except for the fact that they get out classed by ninja but what physical based class doesn't get out classed by ninjas?
There's also the fact that the Holy lance is pretty poo poo compared to the eureka weapons but before then, they were fine.
Goshi Wrote: [ -> ]Oh... I suppose there's the fact Marle is useless in battle but I never really liked her anyway >_>
Spell sPa/\/\?
Doesn't stop the dislike though.
Hideo Kojima needs to do more games like Snatcher.
Goshi Wrote: [ -> ]
Super Idol Lunar-chan Wrote: [ -> ]
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Speaking of FFs, I'd like to see a remake of FFIII which is more faithful to the NES version.

NDS wasn't good? I saw it in 3d and it reminded me of ffix battle system :P

Enemy party size was shrunk due to hardware limitations. Some classes were rebalanced too. Some for the better (Viking, Dragoon) but otherwise some were a bit silly.

Red Mages for example pretty much outclass Warriors is every area barring defense. There's no reason to use a Warrior EVER (Advance just sucks). Also they changed where you get some of the jobs, and pretty much all those moves were idiodic. Why the hell do I have to wait until to the Earth Crystal for the Black Belt class!? Its stupid!

Quote:Chronotrigger needs a full 3d remake, or more look like a DragonQuest 8 graphics, which is i found good

Personally, I think Chrono Trigger is already perfect. I can't think of one thing I would want changed in the game. Oh... I suppose there's the fact Marle is useless in battle but I never really liked her anyway >_>

i think only a full 3D remake for chronotrigger but not changing its gameplay, like graphics from DQ8

anyways i like how will Crystalis from the nes version will be remaked, it seems to have so much bugs when i play it in the nes console, lol
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]
Goshi Wrote: [ -> ]Oh... I suppose there's the fact Marle is useless in battle but I never really liked her anyway >_>
Spell sPa/\/\?
Doesn't stop the dislike though.

Healing magic is useless since you can just use items and as a healer she's outclassed by Frog (AoE healing is far better than single target healing). Her damage output, both magical and physical is horrendous. Dual and Triple Techs start to lose their usefulness towards the end of the game.

The only thing she has that makes her stand out is Haste and in those situations where ice magic is almost compulsory (3 bosses to be exact). The first two there isn't really much choice between party members. But against that 3rd boss you would have both Frog AND (Possibly) Magus unlocked. And they contribute far more to the party than Marle ever will.

Quote:i think only a full 3D remake for chronotrigger but not changing its gameplay, like graphics from DQ8

That's the thing though. Chrono Trigger's 2D graphics are simply gorgeous. I personally feel that a 3D makeover would do the game injustice. Just look at all the detail put into the original graphics!
Haven't played the game in ages, but I recall her to be okay.  Frog's physical attack was superior, but from memory her magic was okay.
Maybe I should re play it to refreshen my memory.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Haven't played the game in ages, but I recall her to be okay.  Frog's physical attack was superior, but from memory her magic was okay.
Maybe I should re play it to refreshen my memory.

Actually I just remembered that Robo also gets AoE healing.

But everyone knows that Robo is CT's equivalent of Orlandu >_>;
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