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Full Version: What classic game should have a remake?
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Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]I play so many classics and I can say they're good enough as they are. At this time, the only one that comes to my head is Super Darius, which is actually already a remake of the original Darius only it's lacking the wide screen of the arcade which I feel Super Darius is in dire need of.

Comparisons by the way.
[Image: darius.png]
[Image: gthing.gif]
(Super Darius could also use a better palette too)
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
Nacos Wrote: [ -> ]Crash Bandicoot 1, 2, 3 and Crash Bash, just HD PS3 Versions would be AMAZING, like they did with GOW1&2.

Oh, absolutely agree here. Crash Bash is awesome fun.. can play it for hours with others.

I concur.
A remake of Silent Hill 1 for PS3

would be tits
in4b another fan boy....

FFVII needs a remake, for PS3 would be nice.
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
Nacos Wrote: [ -> ]Crash Bandicoot 1, 2, 3 and Crash Bash, just HD PS3 Versions would be AMAZING, like they did with GOW1&2.

Oh, absolutely agree here. Crash Bash is awesome fun.. can play it for hours with others.

whenever i play crash bash i can never tell who i am, and then i rage and turn it off in like 15 minutes. now crash team racing needs a remake. the original spyro too.
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
Nacos Wrote: [ -> ]Crash Bandicoot 1, 2, 3 and Crash Bash, just HD PS3 Versions would be AMAZING, like they did with GOW1&2.

Oh, absolutely agree here. Crash Bash is awesome fun.. can play it for hours with others.

whenever i play crash bash i can never tell who i am, and then i rage and turn it off in like 15 minutes. now crash team racing needs a remake. the original spyro too.

crash bash was not made by naughty dog though, im fussy about games being made by the orginal creators.

It was still fun none the less but i don't consider it to be a proper crash game.

The others should, just as Nacos said, get a HD remake like GOW 1&2 for PS3
I love the old game:  Maniac Mansion.

I would love to see that get a remake with HD graphics, and of course new game play elements.
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]in4b another fan boy....

FFVIII needs a remake, for PS3 would be nice.

Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]in4b another fan boy....

FFVIII needs a remake, for PS3 would be nice.


to be honest I think the original one is awesome Madwin
The original translation is horrible to a point it's hilarious however.
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