Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Hmmmm
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Pages: 1 2
I had decided to take a GWAM test recently because I hadn't typed excessively in at least a year more or less but I got..

Most recent: 7th
[Image: GWAMTest4.png]
[Image: GWAMTest3.png]
[Image: GWAMTest2.jpg]
[Image: GWAMTest.jpg]
I want to see what you guys can get just so I don't feel as bad Yay
[Image: 75852804.png]

[Image: 5o79d4.jpg]

what the hell "smoothe" Sigh
[Image: capturemlb.png]
[Image: speedtestz.png]

double you tee eff? xD
I love the prompt you were given xD
Yea idk what i just typed xD
[Image: wordsv.png]

I think you guys are already aware that I make far too many typos like those >_>;
You were supposed to type it out? I think I took the instruction of copy too literally.
[Image: whoops.png]
Pages: 1 2
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