Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Official "My New Avatar" Discussion Thread
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eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]It's not terrible
Neither is yours
[Image: dyotoo.png]
Rukia Wrote: [ -> ]
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]It's not terrible
Neither is yours
[Image: dyotoo.png]

Lol. I may use that next.
Rukia Wrote: [ -> ]
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]It's not terrible
Neither is yours
[Image: dyotoo.png]
That one looks even better:)
Im sorry :(
For what?
Just started using this one:

[Image: 5aj5hg.gif]

It's a clip from the cartoon Phineas and Ferb.  My two year old loves this segment.  Se runs i front of the TV and starts dancing and singing every time she watches this episode.  lol   She is so cute..   Hihi
created few minutes ago including my sig WooInluv (BRS = Black Rock Shooter )
Steven Wrote: [ -> ]created few minutes ago including my sig WooInluv (BRS = Black Rock Shooter )

Awesome!  Madwin
Great quality.  

Just in case anyone is interested, I found THIS web site that will resize any .gif to any size and maintain the animation.  Perfect for shrinking .gifs down to a size that EP will accept for avatars.  Yay
Very nice steven! I guess wee like the same things...

Mine is just a picture I found. :P
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