Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Official "My New Avatar" Discussion Thread
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I didn't make it but i think it suits me,
V1  [Image: furw1y.jpg]    V2  [Image: 2rrmq6u.jpg]    V3  [Image: 2ir8znb.jpg]
Changed hair colour to suit me,
Looks good rukia! ^^
So you're blond, sexy, and a doctor????
Haha i vist the doctors often does that count? =)
St0rMaGe Wrote: [ -> ]So you're blond, sexy, and a doctor????
Rukia Wrote: [ -> ]Haha i vist the doctors often does that count? =)

yes, yes it is.
yay ^^

Updated that thing under my username =3
nice ^^
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