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Full Version: Nintendo 3DS Date, Price & Games Footage
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roberth Wrote: [ -> ]
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Is the price right? I said I'd buy one if it's under €200 - $300 works about €220 but lets not forget about European price rounding, I wouldn't be surprised if they sold it for more than €250.. which seems a bit much to be honest.... but damn those games look great.

Actually...consinderingeuropean Price Roudning, it will be about $/£/€300....i wouldnt be even remotely surprised if tyey did a 1-1 translation

I tried not to admit that Sadcorner
Price is higher than I expected. Don't care.
cool! something new :)

and whot roberh said,. prob more liek 300 euro,.. i had better save some $$

hope 3d movies will be released too ;p
a few games that are coming to the 3ds
Megaman Legends 3

Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3D(separate from Revelations )

Tales of the Abyss announced for 3DS (port of  the PS2 game)
Ryu Wrote: [ -> ]a few games that are coming to the 3ds
Megaman Legends 3

Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3D(separate from Revelations )

Tales of the Abyss announced for 3DS (port of  the PS2 game)


Holy spoon tales of abyss :'D

I want this 3ds so bad now~!! >.<
think i may need to change my pants...... finally wee have a 100% working, portable LoZ:OOT If
Absolutely breathtaking... but I fear it might be a waste on me. I do not play handheld systems nearly as much as I used to, what with no longer riding a school bus, or having to endure 4 hour long trips with parents.

Still, I might end up getting one down the line.
Super Idol Lunar-chan Wrote: [ -> ]
Ryu Wrote: [ -> ]a few games that are coming to the 3ds
Megaman Legends 3

Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3D(separate from Revelations )

Tales of the Abyss announced for 3DS (port of  the PS2 game)


Holy spoon tales of abyss :'D

I want this 3ds so bad now~!! >.<

gaw, i like the portable games better T_T, shouldn't have gone ahead with abyss too early; i guess this is made to appeal to a younger generation, like re-released disney videos >_>
Awesome! i want one! but hope that they improve the looks of the console it looks ugly on my opinion.

Source: YouTube
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